As the number of workers increases, the marginal product of labor declines. 随着工人数量增加,劳动的边际产量递减。
A substance that retards or stops an activity. diminishing marginal physical product 减少或抑制活性的物质。递减的边际物质产品
The Motivation of Cross-Border M As in China Machine Tool Manufacturing from the View of Marginal Product Analysis 中国机床制造业跨境并购动因&从边际产出的角度分析
And what was the marginal product of the chief executive of the pin factory, or the person who hedged the foreign exchange exposure on the unfinished pins, whose contributions the Scots savant unaccountably failed to mention? 大头针工厂的首席执行官,或者负责对冲未完工大头针汇率风险敞口的人,边际产出又是多少呢?不知道为什么,这位苏格兰大学者甚至都没有提到后两者的贡献。
In an optimal employment contract, individuals with relatively low marginal product will become employees because the efficiency loss will be relatively small as they shirk. 在最优的雇佣合约中,那些边际产量相对较低的人将成为雇员,因为当他们偷懒时,效率损失相对较小。
If the pin factory really did increase the productivity of the factory by a factor of at least 240, as Smith claimed, there was likely to be a surplus when the wage earners had received whatever their marginal product was. 如果大头针工厂真的像斯密声称的那样,把生产率提高至少240倍,那么,当工人获得等于他们边际产出(无论这个边际产出到底是多少)的收入时,工厂很可能还有盈余。
Finally, this paper raises some brief countermeasures to how to achieve economic convergence from marginal product. 最后,本文对从边际生产率角度实现经济收敛提出了简要的政策建议。
A comparative study of AT determination in running with progressive and unprogressive increasing loads; More specifically, I showed that diminishing marginal returns is equivalent to a marginal physical product ( MPP) that declines with increases in the level of fertilizer that is used. 无累进递增负荷与有累进递增负荷测定无氧阈结果的对比研究具体地说,我说明了边际报酬递减就是边际产量随着肥料用量的增加而递减。
The increase in capital increases the marginal product of labor and the value of marginal product of labor for any given quantity of labor. 美国国内资本增加,使劳动力的边际产量和边际产量价值增加,引起劳动力需求曲线右移,所以工人工资上涨,工人就业数量增加。
More specifically, I showed that diminishing marginal returns is equivalent to a marginal physical product ( MPP) that declines with increases in the level of fertilizer that is used. 具体地说,我说明了边际报酬递减就是边际产量随着肥料用量的增加而递减。
With more labor working with capital and land, the marginal product of capital and land is higher, so rents earned by owners of land and capital would increase. 移民增加导致劳动力供应增加,引起工资降低。因为和土地和资本结合的劳动力数量增加,使资本和土地的边际产量增加,土地和资本的租金也将增加。
The results show that the rational range of variable output is between the quantity of output when marginal cost is lest of all and the quantity of output which is decided by marginal cost when it equals the expected price of the product in market. 分析结果表明。可变产量的理性产出范围应在最小边际成本所对应的产出量到边际成本与产品的预期价格相等所对应的产出量之间。
The paper mainly discusses the oligopoly firms 'transfer pricing strategy, and concluded that an optimal transfer price is the weighted sum of marginal cost and profit of final product, while the weighted ratio depends on competitive intensity of final products market. 针对寡头竞争的企业集团转移定价决策问题进行分析,得出寡头竞争的企业集团最优转移价格为集团中间产品的边际成本与最终产品的利润加成,加成比例取决于最终产品市场的竞争强度。
The Market Structure, Investment Substitution and Capital Marginal Product& The Diversification Character and its Cause of China's Different Province Capital Marginal Product in the Transition Period 市场结构、投资替代与资本边际产出&转轨时期我国不同省份资本边际产出的变化特征及其成因分析
In this paper, we study on the capital marginal product of China/ s different province from the market structure and investment point of view. 本文从市场结构特征与投资结构特征两个新的视角对转轨时期我国不同发展水平省份的资本边际产出的变化特征进行了分析。
Second, the change of market structure can explain the rapid drop of different province capital marginal product; 第二,市场结构的变化解释了各省资本边际产出在转轨后期出现的迅速下降现象;
To tertiary industry, the efficiency of FDI is lowest compared with previous industry. The marginal product of it is negative. 对我国第三产业发展而言,FDI的投资效率最低,具有负的边际产出。
This mean the marginal product of FDI and labor force is decreasing during the 20 years. 表示随着20多年的发展,FDI与劳动力在我国工业的边际产出已经开始递减。
Application of marginal contribution method to garment product decision 边际贡献法在服装投产决策中的应用
At last, the welfare loss when oligarchic business's marginal cost and demand and product differentiate vary is researched, the policy advice is given to the government how to regulate. 最后,研究了各种寡头模型企业在边际成本变化,需求变化,产品差异度变化时福利的损失情况,并对政府如何进行调节和控制提出政策建议。
The quantity transferred from agricultural to industry is affected by marginal product of labor in agriculture, marginal agricultural surplus, average agricultural surplus and real wage, marginal product of labor in industry. 农业剩余劳动力的转移量受到农业部门劳动边际产出、农业边际剩余、农业平均剩余、工业部门实物工资以及工业部门劳动边际产出的影响。
Marginal cost increment of R D decrease R D and final product supply quantity. RD边际成本增加减少RD和最终产品供给数量。
These factors 'marginal health product is on decline, this why the output of health production is so less while we put more and more resources into health production. 健康生产要素的边际产出率是递减的,因而全球的医疗费用越来越高,但医疗保健的效果却越来越不理想。
This paper analyses the contribution of infrastructure invested by national debts on economic growth in the same years with the productive elasticity and marginal product; 利用产出弹性和边际产量分析了国债投资对当期经济增长的贡献;
The analysis under logit demand framework makes it possible to consider the impacts of the comparative attractive of new brand product with substitutes, marginal cost, the level of product differentiation, as well as differences in consumer preferences on licensing schemes. 其中,logit需求框架下的分析使得考虑新品牌产品相对于替代者的相对吸引力、边际成本、产品差异水平以及消费者偏好的差异对于创新技术许可决策的影响成为可能。
Or the marginal cost of financing by financial product must be equal. 或任意两种金融商品的边际投资收益率相等。
If we relocate capital from channels of low marginal product to high marginal one, the average return of a certain amount of capital will be increased. This is so called optimization of the usage of capital or the improvement of allocation efficiency of capital. 将资本从边际收益低的使用方式配置到边际收益高的方式,会提高单位资本的产出,这就是资本的优化配置,或者说是资本配置效率的提高。
In equilibrium, wage reflects the real price of labor, and equals the value of the marginal product of labor. That is, homogeneous labors receive the same pay-"equal pay for equal work". 工资反映劳动力的真实价格,均衡状态下的工资水平等于劳动边际产值,同质的劳动得到相同的报酬,即同工同酬。